Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's all about the portions!

The nutrition class this morning was great. Jalaine gave us some handouts on portion sizes and I could quickly see how I had put on all these extra pounds. It's easy to get carried away eating the huge meals that we've all gotten used to. We also got some handouts on how to modify recipes. There were lists of items you could substitute with healthier options. My favorite is to use applesauce in place of vegetable oil when baking cakes. The cakes actually taste better and they're moister. We're having a health fair at work on Friday, so I shared the information with our nurse so she could make copies. After class, several of us talked about different foods we had discovered, good places to shop, and whatever tips we could share. I'm so glad we're doing this together!

I got to the gym early last night - beat my trainer there. It's hard to believe that I get excited about exercising now. Part of what keeps me going to the gym is knowing that Whitney is expecting me to be there. I don't want to let her down. After one hour of cardio and a round of strength training, I was pretty tired. The tough part is going home and having to cook when I'm worn out. It's tempting to stop for burgers so I don't have to cook. Fortunately, my husband figured out something quick and easy I could make for the family and I fixed myself a really nice salad since I'd had a bigger lunch. Survived another day!!


  1. Karen, Portions are the killer. We all belly up to the table and load our plates, not even paying attention to how much we dish. I have found that I needed to totally rethink the food experience in my lifestyle. There was more to look forward to than what my next meal would be made up of. Two of my best friends are my measuring cups/spoons and a smaller plate. When I start to eyeball portions and my weight loss comes to a stand still, I know it is time to invite my best friends to have dinner with me. Good luck and much success as you participate in the challenge.

  2. That's great advice! I've always had a tendency to guess at portions and sizes. I finally started weighing and measuring the food and realized I'd been getting it wrong before. I should add a measuring cup and spoon to my tool
