Sunday, March 15, 2009

Forgotten Appliances

Over the past week I have rediscovered two appliances in my kitchen that had been pushed way back in the cupboard. One is a high-powered blender that is great for making smoothies. I was able to make a low calorie chocolate "ice cream" that was more icy than creamy. It sure addressed a serious dessert craving I was battling. The second appliance is my rice cooker. I do occasionally use it to cook rice, but I remembered tonight that it has a steamer basket attachment and I was able to steam potatoes and spinach for tonight's dinner. It was wonderful! I love fresh spinach, but hate boiling all the nutrients and flavor away. I'm going to be doing a lot more steaming. Now if I just had an appliance that did all the work for me in the kitchen....

1 comment:

  1. 2 things to say: Smoothies are the BEST healthy-yummy food, in my opinion. And I know how to say rice cooker in Japanese. hahaha!
