Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Go Me!

I'm going to take the time now to praise myself. I definitely don't do that enough - I've worked very hard and I deserve it.
  • After being sick for a week and falling off the wagon, I lost my will to exercise and gained two pounds. This morning I saw that I lost those two pounds again....GO ME!
  • I put in a full workout last night and felt completely wonderful...GO ME!
  • My eating is on track and I enjoy what I'm eating...GO ME!
  • I have a whole new group of friends and supporters - Whitney, Traci, Jalaine, and all my fellow challenge participants. We don't let anyone stumble without helping them to get back up...GO US!!
  • My husband is now changing how he eats and is working out regularly (sometimes with me) and we are getting healthy together...GO US!
  • I have recognized the health risks in my life and the dangers I was facing with my "old" lifestyle. No longer will I be blind and think I still have the health of a 20-year old. I love living and I'm not going to take it for granted any more...GO ME!
  • My "diet" buddies at work - Brenda and Tami - listen to my ups and downs and know my actual weight without looking totally shocked. They constantly help me to feel good about myself, how I look, and the efforts I'm making...GO ME (for having great friends)!
That felt good! I'm so hard on myself and tend to see those little bumps in the road as absolute failures. You can't imagine how big of a thing it is that I didn't let this latest bump be the end of my challenge. GO ME!!!

1 comment:

  1. This was a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing your feelings with everyone. And - YOU GO GIRL!! YEA YOU!
