Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Fun at the Gym

I never thought I'd be able to say I had fun at the gym, but that was before I met Whitney, my trainer. She always comes into the gym dancing, singing, and full of smiles. You can't help but laugh at her goofiness. She and her fiance, Kevin, joke around and tease you to push harder even when you're pedaling the exercise bike as fast as you can. I had a pleasant surprise today when Lynda showed up and we got to work out together. Whitney, Kevin, Lynda, and I were all on the exercise bikes and pushing each other along. After our cardio workout was done, Whitney showed us a tough balance ball exercise. It was the hardest exercise I've tried on the ball! It took great balance and coordination, things I'm not usually known for. I struggled a bunch with some feeble attempts to not fall over. Lynda took a turn and struggled just like I did. Whitney was helping by holding the ball steady, but she let go when Lynda started to get up. Lynda went tumbling and we couldn't help but laugh. That was the most fun I've ever had at the gym. Lynda and I both agreed that having Whitney there makes it so much easier to work out. I'm not looking forward to having this challenge end and losing Whitney.

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